In the first of two special episodes for the 203-24 school year, the Heights Herald’s teenVoice podcast delves into the various struggles of living in and growing up in immigrant households, coming from the personal experiences of staff writers and photographers as well as peers at Columbia Heights High School (CHHS). From difficulty maintaining relationships to finding your own identity, and from forms of discipline that are more acceptable in other parts of the world vs. America to kids being pressured to be translators for monolingual relatives, navigating life as the children of immigrants attempting to both stay connected to their family’s homeland while also assimilate into Western society remains a challenge.
teenVoice Episode 6: Immigrant Households
May 6, 2024
What’s it like to grow up with immigrant parents? Heights Herald Lead Staff Writer Cassidy Wise moderates a conversation between Lead Photographer Tenagnework Agedie and Istabraq Sheikh on the latest episode of teenVoice.
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About the Contributor

Saara Aden (she/her) would classify herself as a certified wordsmith. Her idealistic, blithe and oxymoronic tendencies may make her seem unreliable at times, but she ultimately seeks to turn her dreams into reality with both reason and optimism. Even when met with dead ends reeking of despair, she seeks to find hope within the chaotic nature of human existence. She is a sophomore at Columbia Heights High School and Staff Writer for The Heights Herald.