Student Council sets off for 2022-23
The 2022-23 student council is led by new advisors: band teacher Ms. Caitlin DiSalvi and social studies teacehr Mr. Brett Herbers.
This story was originally published in the Heights Herald print edition.
Student council for the 2022-2023 school year is ready to step it up!
Columbia Heights High School (CHHS) offers many opportunities for students to express themselves and build plans for the future. One way to expand upon a student’s social and academic knowledge, as well as best prepare them for life after high school, is by establishing clubs, one of which is a classic staple of American tradition—student council.
And this year, there are two new faces in charge of it here at CHHS: social studies teacher Mr. Brett Herbers and band teacher Ms. Caitlin DiSalvi.
“The main point of the student council is to build leadership skills, promote school events, and [build] school spirit,” DiSalvi said.
The student council is an administrative organization common at so many educational institutions, ranging from elementary schools to universities and research organizations around the world. Here at Columbia Heights, the student council helps share ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and administration. They also help raise funds for school-wide activities, including social events, community projects, helping people in need and school reform. Common projects may include food drives, fundraisers and planning school dances. Many members learn and practice skills that are an extension of their formal education.
Our student executive leadership this year is as follows. Olivia Warbler (President), Farhiya Mohamud (Senior class representative), Brant Bueno (Junior class representative), Adam Smith (Sophomore class representative), and Atinan Anwar (Freshman class representative).
The council allows students of all grade levels to learn leadership skills and engage peers in school activities. So far this academic year, student representatives have specialized in designing, making decorations, planning other aspects of Homecoming and deciding how they can improve the community.
“My favorite part of being a student council advisor is getting to watch students develop their leadership skills and getting student-led events to be successful,” Herbers said. “We have some amazing students involved this year, and we’ve got lots of plans for even more fun events coming up this winter!”
Coming up yet this year courtesy of the council are more school dances, pep fests like the one we had in advance of homecoming and more! Student council organizes events to create an atmosphere of leisure and excitement for the students attending CHHS. They allow the school to grow closer as a community and maintain an unwavering school spirit.
“Recent meetings have been focused on the planning of upcoming events and activities for the rest of the winter,” Oliva Warbler (12) said. “ We have so much in store for the future we’re planning for two rounds of candy/flower grams, one before winter break and one the week before Frost Daze, a school-wide food drive, fun after-school winter activities, and volunteer and leadership opportunities for the Student Council members.”
Why should you join? Well, the program is made to be led by students and give students the opportunity to share their ideas. Students not only get the creative freedom of being in charge but they also learn to take on leadership roles in the school. They also learn how to properly manage their time. Student council presents willing students the opportunity to learn important life skills that can then be applied outside of school.
The club not only impacts the school environment but also the students. It allows students to take charge within their communities and spread fresh perspectives. Student council allows students to get more involved within the school and amplifies their creativity. Establishing a club with the purpose of impacting the student’s life is what the student council is all about
Mr. Herbers can be found in room 191 and Ms. DiSalvi in room 141, student council meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:15 am. And typically meet in Mr. Herbers’s room, Room 191. All students are welcome to join! And you can talk to either of them for more information about how to join if you’re interested!

Hiedi Lee (she/her) is a senior at Columbia Heights High School. This is her third year on The Heights Herald and second year on the editorial team. In...

Safiya H. Ahmed is a junior at CHHS and Co-Lead Photographer for The Heights Herald. She loves skateboarding and listening to music in her free time.