Even with upsides, this healthy snack is too pricey to enjoy
You can order these delicous Acai Bowls at Nautical Bowls in Northeast Minneapolis today!
November 9, 2022
The idea of eating bowl foods has quickly risen in popularity in the past several years. Bowl eating, in the eyes of its enthusiasts, not only represents a more contemporary, informal style of dining but also fits well with the ‘fast-casual’ need for foods that can be consumed quickly. As one of the American values is efficiency, consuming a tasty treat within minutes is the American way.
Others and I are hesitant to order these dishes, like the ones at Nautical Bowls, simply because we think it is overpriced for the amount you are getting.
“The açai bowls are very overrated,” Linus Lee (12) said. “The taste is pretty good, but for the portion size you are getting, for how much you are paying for, it’s a rip-off. You’re paying way too much money for way too little quantity.”
After receiving a 12-ounce Sunset Bowl for $10 at Nautical Bowls, I felt like I overpaid too. Yes, the bowl can come with fresh fruits, peanut butter, honey, granola, almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, mango base, cacao base, açai base and more, but all these ingredients can be store-bought and homemade with more servings per dollar spent.
Compared to the majority of other berries that are sweeter in flavor, açai contains a more earthy flavor. It has been characterized as having a hint of acidity with an almost dark chocolate undertone, as well as notes of raspberry, pomegranate and even a dash of soil. The berries’ strong acidity makes it a wonderful match for sweeter fruits, honey or other sweets. Others and I imagined, before our trip to Nautical Bowls to see what the fuss was all about, the açai bowl tasting like mush and dirt.
“When I went to Nautical Bowls, I got the Blue Bay bowl with coconut taken off of it, but overall I’d have to say it was a little bit of a letdown,” Angelina Gonzalez (12) said. “I thought it was just me, so I had my friend try it as well and she agreed with me. Compared to other places that serve açaí bowls, it’s decent, but it’s definitely not the best, especially for its price. I think it’s definitely something that you could make at home and have a better outcome.”
After trying the Sunset Bowl for myself, my initial thoughts were that it doesn’t taste bad. It tasted fresh and vibrant. It was like eating a scoop of colors. The bowl was also sweeter than I had imagined. The ube (a purple yam that originated from the Philippines) base really elevated the bowl itself. . Ube has a similar taste and texture as a sweet potato, but tastes even sweeter than one. I do enjoy other types of ube foods—therefore, the bowl tasted great.
Preparing a bowl at home would be a lot cheaper because you are able to make more than one. All you really need is a smoothie blender to blend the base of your bowl. Fresh Fruits and toppings can be found at a local grocery store that gives you more than one serving. Spending extra money for someone to prepare the bowl is not worth the expense.
At the end of the day, it really depends on who you are and what you order. You are able to customize the bowl to the liking of your taste buds, so anyone can find their niche. Just be aware that the bowl you ordered may be a bit more than what you had in mind.