Mrs. Olubajo

Mrs. Olubajo


What is your favorite book? 

“The Color Purple” by Alice Walker

What led you to read that book?

I read it in an 8th grade English/Social Studies hybrid class.

Why is it your favorite book?

The storytelling is powerful and the characters came to life for me.  I also appreciated reading a book with a female and African-American perspective.

What is your favorite genre?

Historical fiction and fiction written by people in other cultures. [I’m a ]social studies nerd.

As a teacher, how easy/difficult is it to find time to read?

I am part of a book club so I do find time, and I try to read at least 6 books a year, but sometimes I read more if I have time in the summer.

Why do you think it is important to read outside the classroom?

Like anything, people need to practice to get better at something.  My own children had a hard time learning how to read and we have spent countless hours at home practicing.  Without that extra practice at home, I do not think they would read as well as they do now.

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